Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Stephen Metcalfe MP pays a visit to high flying Gable Hall

Last week Stephen Metcalfe, local MP for South Basildon and East Thurrock, paid a visit to Gable Hall School to meet with their student leadership team and to present them with an EQualities Award.

The visit and the award follow on from a fantastic year of GCSE results whereby 73% of pupils achieved a record 5 GCSE’s at A*-C.

As well as discussing a range of issues with the student leadership team, Mr Metcalfe also presented the school with an award to celebrate their commitment to eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations.

The award was developed in response to the Equality Act 2010 which established nine ‘protected characteristics’ including age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion and belief, and sexual identity. The Act places both general and specific duties upon all public bodies, such as local authorities, schools and other state funded educational settings.

In order to achieve the award, schools must undertake an audit in line with recommendations from Equality which is then submitted electronically and verified.

The local MP commented: “It was fantastic to be back at Gable Hall. They have had another brilliant year in terms of results and it was great to be able to congratulate them in person, and to meet with students and staff. The student leadership team are a committed and dedicated group of students who are passionate about the school and brimming with ideas so it was a real pleasure to spend some time with them.”

“It was also a privilege to present the Equalities Award. Staff and students have worked hard to create an inclusive, non discriminatory environment that values each and every student for who they are. The award is testament to this and I hope many other schools will follow suit.”