Stephen Metcalfe, Local MP for
South Basildon and East Thurrock, contributed to a recent exchange in the House
of Commons by putting forward a question to the Secretary of State for Defence
last week.
Stephen asked “Will the
Minister explain to those who do not necessarily understand the merit of
defence exports the incredible benefit they deliver, not only for our armed
forces but for the wider British economy?”
Mr Dunne replied, “Our armed forces benefit directly from
responsible defence exports. Not only do they help build bilateral
relationships and defence co-operation with our key allies, but they raise
capability, enhance the interoperability of allies and partner nations, and
contribute to regional security around the globe.”
Stephen is keen to support
defence exports as there are direct links to his own constituency of South
Basildon and East Thurrock. Companies such as SELEX ES are international
leaders in electronic and information technologies for defence and aerospace
systems as well as numerous other areas. Companies in this sector provide
excellent job opportunities and career prospect for local people and are an
important part of the UK’s economic activity and exports, as well as providing
our brave troops with cutting edge technology.