Movember is a moustache growing charity event that is held during November each year to raise vital funds for and awareness of men’s health issues, particularly prostate and testicular cancer. Mr Metcalfe is one of many men around the world who have dedicated a hairy month to a great cause.
Stephen commented: “Movember is a light hearted way of raising awareness of some very serious issues. I am passionate about men’s health and it is vital that we look beyond the moustaches and take note of the message behind Movember.”
“The statistics speak for themselves. 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. This year alone, 40,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed in the UK. The statistics for testicular cancer are just as alarming. 47% of testicular cancer cases occur in men under 35 years and over 90% occur in men under 55 years – these are health issues that have no age boundaries.”
The funds that Movember raise in the UK are invested in programmes that address the strategic priorities Movember has identified, related to both prostate and testicular cancer. The three areas of investment are Awareness & Education, Survivorship and Research.
Globally, fighting prostate cancer continues to be one of Movember’s priorities. There are still many issues to be addressed, both pre and post diagnosis. Here in the UK fighting testicular cancer is also a priority and last year Movember invested in world class research for testicular cancer with the Institute of Cancer Research, this research focuses on identifying genes that predispose men to testicular cancer.
Globally, fighting prostate cancer continues to be one of Movember’s priorities. There are still many issues to be addressed, both pre and post diagnosis. Here in the UK fighting testicular cancer is also a priority and last year Movember invested in world class research for testicular cancer with the Institute of Cancer Research, this research focuses on identifying genes that predispose men to testicular cancer.
Mr Metcalfe added: “It’s Movember and its time to make a difference to men’s health. We must get people talking about men’s health issues and we must support the work of organisations seeking to create a world in which these problems no longer exist.”
If you would like to find out more please viist: If you would like to sponsor Mr Metcalfe in his efforts to change the face of men’s health, please visit: