Local MP speaks up for Basildon and Thurrock youth employment in Parliament
This week, local MP Stephen Metcalfe has spoken in Parliament about the recent progress his constituency has witnessed in employment rates amongst young people.
Addressing the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Stephen Metcalfe rose on the floor of the House of Commons and said: “Youth unemployment in my constituency of South Basildon and East Thurrock is down by 42%. Does my right hon. Friend agree that this jobs revolution would not have happened if we had pursued the policies from across the channel, which were supported by the Leader of the Opposition?”
Labour’s Ed Miliband notoriously spoke in support of the current French President’s economic plans; something which Stephen Metcalfe was keen to highlight in Parliament.
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Iain Duncan Smith agreed with Stephen and said: “It is well worth reminding ourselves that when the present French President was elected, the Leader of the Opposition extolled his virtues and his plan for France. Right now, France’s unemployment rate is more than 75% higher than the UK’s and it has been rising faster, and its youth unemployment rate is 50% higher than the UK’s. If that is the prospect for the UK, I am sure I know what the result will be at the next election.”
Stephen Metcalfe later commented: “It is worth reminding ourselves of the level of economic incompetence that still exists amongst Labour ranks.”
“I am proud of the progress we have made in our local area with youth employment. After the dark economic years under Labour, the future for young people across Basildon and Thurrock is becoming brighter and brighter.”
“We cannot allow Labour to put our economic progress at risk.”