Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Stephen Metcalfe MP: on the importance of keeping Scotland in the United Kingdom

Local MP Stephen Metcalfe has today commented on the importance of keeping the United Kingdom together and called for all those who have a vote, to reject independence with a firm No vote.

Stephen Metcalfe said: “The fact of the matter is that the UK has been one of the most successful monetary, fiscal and political unions in history; it would be absolutely tragic for all of us if it were to suddenly come to an end.

It is crucial that we all, up and down the country, and across party lines, support a truly UNITED Kingdom, where we can all benefit from the security of a growing economy and pooled resources.

This is especially so given the fact that the UK faces a complex and constantly changing world, with a number of difficult problems to face. We are all in a better position when tackling those problems with the unity and resolve that our historic union brings.

I know that people across the Basildon and Thurrock area and across all parties will recognise the difference that this issue makes, and I hope they will join me in calling our Scottish friends to vote No next week ”