Monday, 17 June 2013

Stephen Metcalfe MP champions local volunteers at the 2013 ‘Play Your Part’ awards evening

Recently,  Stephen Metcalfe, local MP for South Basildon and East Thurrock, challenged local organisations to harness the enthusiasm of young volunteers at the 2013 Basildon Borough ‘Play Your Part’ volunteers awards evening.

The well attended evening, sponsored by Basildon Council, aimed to celebrate the hard work and dedication of the volunteers who ‘play their part’ throughout the Basildon Borough.

Mr Metcalfe delivered an inspiring speech before presenting some of the well deserved winners with their awards. In his speech he praised the work of volunteers, saying that they ‘act as beacons of hope for wider society.’ He also called on local organisations to tap into the rich vein of energy and enthusiasm that exists in our young people, to recruit a young person, and to pledge to value the commitment they make.

He later commented: “Young people are bursting with energy, new ideas and enthusiasm. I have seen this first hand in the schools of South Basildon and Thurrock. It would be fantastic if we could harness this to benefit the community and create a culture where volunteering is the norm, not the exception.”

“I would like to congratulate all those who won an award, all those who were nominated, and all those who give up their time for others.”

This year, Basildon Council received more nominations than ever before for the 6 awards on offer. Categories included young volunteer, volunteering through adversity and the prestigious Tony Guyon Memorial Cup. Tony Guyon, who passed away in 2010, was a dedicated volunteer and a source of inspiration to the volunteering community.

Mr Metcalfe added: “I would once again like to thank every volunteer in South Basildon and East Thurrock. I am extremely proud to have such a diverse, committed and dedicated army of volunteers in my constituency and long may it continue!”